G.H.C. Bulletin 78 : Janvier 1996 Page 1525

NOTES DE LECTURE de Pierre Baudrier

Life of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont from Contemporary Corres- 
pondence 1778-1834. Index compiled by B. G. du Pont.- 
Newark (Delaware), University of Delaware Press, 1927.- 
158 p.

     La collection "Life  of  Eleuthère  Irénée  du  Pont"
comporte douze tomes pour la période 1788-1834. Le tome 12 
est l'index.
     Les tomes 5 et  6  rendent  spécialement  compte  des
relations d'affaires des Dupont de Nemours dans la Caraïbe 
au début du 19ème siècle. Le patronyme Lindo ne figure pas 
dans l'index.

Alquier, Charles Jean Marie; 1752-1826. Vol. II, 336
André, Mme; a friend of Du Pont de Nemours. Vol. VIII, 
     110, 112
Arnous; Vol. IX, 267
Beauharnais, Alexandre, vicomte de; 1760-1794. Vol. II, 
Berr; a friend of Mme. du Pont de Nemours in Paris. Vol. 
     X, 229,242
Billaud-Varenne, Jacques Nicolas; 1756-1819. Vol. II, 122, 
     Vol. III, 151
Biron, Maître; a friend of Mme du Pont de Nemours, in 
     Paris. Vol. X, 217, 228
Bonaparte, Mme.; née Joséphine de La Pagerie. Vol. IV, 
     121. Vol. V, 253; letter from E.I. du Pont, 352. Vol. 
     VI, 209
Bourcard, G.L.; Vol. V, 164
Brienne-le-Chateau; Vol. II, 232, 251
Butler; of Bergen Point. Vol. VI, 130, 180, 181, 197
Caradence, Mme.; a friend of Du Pont de nemours. Vol. VI, 
Cayenne; Vol. V, 182, 287
Champeaux, Joseph Nicolas; 1753-1815. Vol. II, 336, 357
Cuba; Vol. XI, 70
Deschapelles; Vol. VIII, 249
Desforgues; a son-in-law of Toussard. Vol. VII, 168
Domergues; Vol. II, 55
Dougherty; Vol. IX, 53
Du Barail; Vol. VII, 305. Vol. VIII, 75,80,135,258
Du Paty; a friend of E.I. du Pont in France. Vol. VI, 218, 
     Vol. X,265
Fernandez; of Louisiana. Vol. X, 207, 260
Grégoire, Baptiste Henri; 1750-1831 Vol. II, 330, 357, 
     Vol. III, 129, 159. Vol. X, 250
Guadeloupe; Vol. V, 182, 256, 287, 331. Vol. VI, 115, 118, 
     255, 257, 269, 270. Vol. VII, 120, 138, 152, 174, 
     207. Vol. VIII, 44, 47, 51
Guibert, Mme. de; Vol. II, 69
Havana Vol. V, 134, 276, 278. Vol. VI, 33, 181, 199, 221. 
     Vol. X, 305. Vol. XI, 127
Homassel; Vol. V, 140
Isle d'Aix; Vol. I, 153. Vol. VIII, 193
Jamaica; Vol. IV, 59
Jollivet, Jean Baptiste; born 1753. Vol. III, 17, 23, 26, 
     46, 58, 160, 173, 178, 371
La Belle Epine; Vol. III, 112
La Crosse, General; Vol. V, 255
Latouche-Tréville, Louis René Madeleine Le Vassor, comte 
     de; 1745-1804. Vol. II, 309, 360, 367, 373, 384. Vol. 
     III, 58
Le Clerc, Victor Emmanuel, General; 1772-1802. Vol. VI, 
     33, 85, 142, 155, 179. Vol. VIII, 48
Le Coulteux de Canteleu; bankers in Rouen. Vol. I, 131. 
     Vol. VIII,49
Le Couteuls; of Detroit. Vol. VI, 177
Lescallier, Daniel, baron; 1743-1822. Prefect in Guade-
     loupe. Vol. V, 102. Vol. VI, 255, 270. Vol. VIII, 44, 
     59, 61, 117, 118, 297, 305, 312. Vol. IX, 20, 100, 
     155, 170, 240, 243. Vol. IX, 135
Livet; Vol. V, 293
Longpré, de; of St. Yago. Vol. VII, 150.
Magnitot; Prefect in San Domingo. Vol. VI, 292, 311
Malenfant, Jacques Julien Robert; of Philadelphie. Vol. 
     VIII, 115, 126
Marbois, François, marquis de Barbé; 1745-1837. Vol. V, 
     257, Vol. VI, 93,96
Martinique; Vol. VII, 138, 253. Vol. VIII, 47
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Victor Riqueti, comte de; 1749- 
     1791. Vol. VI, 298
Mirabeau, Victor de Riqueti, marquis de; 1715-1789. Vol. 
     I, 18, 19, 142, 176
Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Vol. VII, 27
Pougens, Marie Charles Joseph de; 1755-1833. Vol. II, 56, 
     69, 200. Vol. VII, 140, 223. Vol. X, 233, 242
Reily; Vol. XI, 97
Saint Jago; Vol. VI, 304. Vol. VII, 123, 150
San Domingo; Vol. IV, 59, 117. Vol. V, 178, 182, 183, 194, 
     261, 339. Vol. VI, 68, 75, 78, 94, 134, 207, 218, 
     269, 272, 275, 276, 286, 292,  309, 311. Vol. VII, 
     11, 124, 190, 204, 215, 218, 301 Vol. VIII, 45, 51,54
Toudouze; Vol. VI, 163, 193, 237
Toussard, Louis de; Vol. V, 192, 196, 235, 326, 335, 371, 
     375, 377. Vol. VII, 156, 157, 168. Vol. VIII, 56
Toussard, Mme.; Vol. V, 327, 375, 378
Trinidad; Vol. VI, 149
West Indies; Vol. VII, 232

Life of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont from Contemporary Corres- 
pondence 1802-1804. Volume Six. Transl. from the French by 
B.G. Du Pont.- Newark (Del.), University of Delaware 
Press, 1925.- 321 p. 

P. 218 : Lettre d'E.I. du Pont à Mr. Garesché de mai 1803

     I thank you for letting me  know  of  your  brother's
journey. I enclose a letter that I beg him to send  to  my
father. I am sure that when I was in France  there  was  a
law for the protection of young colonists  which  made  it
only necessary that they should declare their intention of 
returning to their homes. This law obliged MM. Du Paty and 
many young men I knew to make the voyage to  San  Domingo.
If it still exists and I think  it  does,  it  makes  your
brother's position perfectly safe while he is there.  When
he returns he should take his passport for San Domingo via 
the United States. His health would not be nearly so  sure
a way to escape; he would have to be examined by a medical 
board and they are usually very severe...

  En l'occurrence, il s'agissait d'échapper à la conscrip-
tion française. 

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